| 1. | The philippines is an archipelago of 7 , 107 islands , islets , rocks and sandbars lying within the pacific seismic belt 菲律宾是由7 , 107个群岛,岛屿、岛礁和沙洲组成的岛国,她位于太平洋的地震带里。 |
| 2. | The disastrous earthquake that occurred west of northern sumatra over the indian ocean on 26 december 2004 was located on the latter seismic belt 二零零四年十二月二十六日发生在苏门答腊北部以西的印度洋的大地震,其震中正位于上述的第二个地震带。 |
| 3. | Within one year after m ( subscript s ) 6 earthquake occurring , tienshan seismic belt is main response region of mid - strong earthquakes , which is significant for short - term prediction 6级地震发生后的1年内,天山地震带是中强地震的主要响应区,在时间上具有短期预测意义。 |
| 4. | Big tsunamis are caused by great submarine earthquakes that mainly occur along the circum - pacific seismic belt , and along the active seismic belt between the eurasian tectonic plate and the indian - australian tectonic plate 引发严重海啸的海底大地震大多发生在环太平洋地震带或欧亚板块及印澳板块之间的活跃地震带。 |
| 5. | Good results have been got from fitting temporal distribution of over 8 earthquakes in north china and the northern segment of north - south seismic belt with three kind distributions that have 25 years ' cycle 摘要用以25年为周期的三性分布拟合华北和南北地震带北段8级大震发生的时间分布,发现拟合较好,因之在今后预测8级大震时可作为参考。 |
| 6. | The study area is located in the southwestern end of the southeastern coast seismic belt , in which there occurred a earthquake with m ( subscript s ) = 7 . 5 in history in qiongzhou , and two earthquakes with m ( subscript s ) = 6 . 1 and 6 . 2 in the north bay in the middle 90 ' s last century 摘要本文研究范围属东南沿海地震带西南端,历史上曾发生过琼州7 . 5级大地震,上世纪90年代中期,在北部湾发生过6 . 1级和6 . 2级地震。 |
| 7. | Therefore , the relationships of macroseismic epicentres and seismic epicentres of 133 main earthquakes in china and 66 events in north - south seismic belt with the active faults around these events are analyzed at detail in this paper . according to such results , a practical method to identify the most possible location of macroseismic epicentre has been proposed by the active faults around the instrumental epicentres 本论文通过对全国133个及南北地震带66个地震的宏观震中及微观震中与活断层构造分布背景关系的详细分析,提出了可以根据定位震中周围的活动构造背景来估计可能的宏观震中的方法。 |